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​Garmin GPS - so for this I have a standard edge705, simple and pretty easy to work, I have the free OS maps on it which work fine. How good this will be further around the world I am not sure. It will most likely be back to good old fashion paper. I have currently been using for mapping. All in all solid very useful bit of kit!!!

​Laptop - not picked one yet, but lightest and longest battery life is the key!!

​SPOTtracker - this is on its way to me currently. The idea is it will track me on a map which friends and family can see. As well as this it has SOS buttons for when it all kicks off!!! tiny little grey box, will review once I have used it.

​Mobile's the phone has been ordered in the end i went for a Nokia 101 Dual sim. Cost £21 seems pretty simple, week of battery life and not to flashy. This will hopefully be my day to day phone, for texts and calls. I am also in the market for a smart phone which be a back up phone as well as used for updating the website and social media. Will keep you posted on this. 

​The Lock

So this has taken a lot of time to get right, and I am still not sure. The Bike lock. Do I take 10m's of chain, strong enough to hold the Titanic or do I take an argos £5 special. The answer is...............speak to your insurance company. So having searched high and low for a company that would cover me for 12months world wide took a while, most either say 30 days out side off the UK or only cover in Europe. Secondly depending on the price of your bike will determine what lock you require. Over £1500 most insurance companies demand a Sold Secure Gold lock.........lightest one will be around 2kg, far to heavy. So to the internet i went, finally finding a company called Harrison Beaumont Insurance Servies Ltd (more on this in paper work) simply put the are great. I can now pick any lock i like. I have gone for Abus cable, light, strongish. 

Electrical stuff

So I have recently purchased and energizer USB battery charger. Pretty small little thing,  about £8 so should keep me topped up. It can take AAA and AA so will defiantly test this out in Scotland.

Hahnel UniPal,
This is a multi charging little gizmo, it had to electrical prods that you can adjust and make to fit any sized battery, At home or in stable position it is fine (not great) You don’t have to take a charger for every device which is great.  But some home modifications may be needed to keep the battery firm in place. Only Scotland will tell!!!

Multi plug,
So I have some Swiss multi plug, so far great, bit big, but well built, lots of options and pretty solid. Comes with a little place for spare fuses and an additional usb plug.

Multi wire thing.
This is brilliant. Its 4-5 short charging heads, all-linking to a USB. means I can chuck away most chargers and simply use this. Need to try it out with every device to make sure. £4 great bit of kit!!!!

The Kindle,
Nothing new, just a simple kindle, starting to buy, travel books, phrase books, manuals etc etc. Basic case, with no light. Just going to run a head torch (maybe)

Currently I am taking a Cannon 300d SLR, great camera, comfy, good shot and does the job.  BUT its big, heavy and not the greatest battery life. So depending on finances I may upgrade. Any Ideas welcome.

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